Final Web Page Tweak Checklist

Full name is at the top of the page

Webpage is titled intriguingly
Summary/Intro follows the title
Webpage is saved as [lastnamexx.html] in a folder named [lastnamexx], all lowercase, no spaces

All webpage images are sized and saved as .jpeg or.gif and in the same folder as your .html page

All sized .jpegs or.gifs are named with proper naming convention, all lowercase, no spaces
Table: Rows=3, Columns=3, Border = 0, Width = 100 percent (NOT pixels), Cell spacing and padding = 5

Visual Balance: Consider the balance of your images with the amount of text in your tutorial

Check your text for clarity and completeness.
Name, Title, and Number text are formatted as Heading 3, Arial, Helvetica, sans-serif

Summary/Intro and Steps text are formatted as Paragraph, Arial, Helvetica, sans-serif

All links lead to the webpage or website you intended.

Spell Check!!!
Choose Check spelling… from the Text menu in Dreamweaver

Preview in browser. Open Internet Explorer and choose Open File... from the File menu. Find your .html document.

When you have completed your webpage, deposit a copy of your web folder (images used and .html document only) in the Drop folder on the designates server AND

Print your page from the Internet Explorer browser and hand it to me for my clipboard!